Saturday 28th May 2022
(Sign up via the Master Scoreboard calendar)

1ST The Jeff Retallic short straight drive challenge using driver
3rd Beat the Beauty
7th Brian Stapley challenge – you must hit driver from the tee12th Nearest the pin in 2
14th Beat the bitch – In the words of Elton John: “The bitch is back”
16th The Ian Bond challenge – nearest the pin in three, you can only use a pitching wedge and putter on this hole
17th You have already taken on the Beauty, now you come up against the Beast
WARNING: Do not rub him up the wrong way as there will be consequences.
Points will be awarded if successful in the challenges. The person scoring the most points over the challenges will win a fantastic prize donated by Jeff.

Mr. Blobby competition and maybe a few other things!!
£10 entry fee to be paid to the starters all of which will go towards paying for the prizes.
I would also ask anybody playing to take 4 £1 coins out with you as a £1 forfeit will be payable into the collection boxes towards the Captain’s charity, if you fail to win each of the challenges on the 3rd, 7th, 14th and 17th.
Be sure to stay behind for the prize giving, which will take place ASAP after the last group come in.