Unsold Charity Items
One of the ladies club members, Lucy Bamford organised a fun Jubilee Competition on Sunday 5th June. As part of the event, she sourced a number of items for auction, …
Brian Stapley Memorial Golf Day
Saturday 28th May 2022 (Sign up via the Master Scoreboard calendar) FUN STABLEFORD COMPETITION PLAYED FROM VARIOUS TEES WITH VARIOUS CHALLENGES 1ST The Jeff Retallic short straight drive challenge using driver 3rd Beat …
April Newsletter Published
The Newsletter for April has been published and can be found on the Newsletters Page. You must be logged in to see newsletters.
Club Clothing Offer
We have been working with our clothing supplier on expanding our range of club merchandise. Please refer to the West Berkshire Clothing website for full details of our new range. …
March Newsletter Published
Our Captain has published our latest newsletter, which you can find by choosing the ‘Newsletters’ link from the new Member’s Home Page.
Easter Bunny – Still Places Left
A message from our Captain … With less than 3 weeks to go we still have a few places available for our first Major of the year. It is, as …
Website Improvements
Well, we hope they are improvements! Having taking note of feedback from the Strategic Review, the website team have been working on some modifications that should help improve the way …
Course Maintenance Information for 2022
The Downshire have published their course maintenance schedule for this year. To see it and a description of the works to be undertaken written by Simon, head over to the …
January Newsletter Published
You can find the January newsletter by logging in, and following the menus Men -> Publications -> Newsletters.